
Nostalgic and Fresh: Seafoam Green

by Sarah Anderson on Oct 05, 2018

Nostalgic and Fresh: Seafoam Green

Nostalgic and Fresh: Seafoam Green

This soft, vibrant shade of green is a perfect choice for this month's premier color. Seafoam Green pairs well with dark denim and fall outfits. Check out the deal on our gift box set today!

Have you ever had the perfect fall day by a beachside town? The type of day where you leave your troubles and worries so far away you forgot they ever existed. You explore the town’s local boutiques. Try out the coffee shop and fill up with warm coffee and warmer hellos from the neighbors gathering at their favorite spot. Step through the doors of the antique shop to immerse yourself in a world full of treasures from the past. Find that chair, decoration, old coat or record that has been waiting this entire time for you to find it. Sit down for dinner at one of the local waterside stops and introduce your taste buds to beach town excellence as you breathe in the day. Finally, once your stomach and heart are full you take that beachside sandy stroll. Walk out to the pier, hear the waves crashing into it, watch the sun begin to hide behind the water line as it puts on a light show for you. Feel the crisp wind on your face and let the scent of the beach fill your soul. That type of feeling? That’s what seafoam green feels like.

Fresh and inviting with a playful nod to its vintage days, seafoam green combines all your favorite feelings from the past and present. Playful yet refreshing in any outfit, it will add the perfect pop of something a little different and interesting in your look. Create your perfect beach town day any day.

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