
Coral Weddings: What choosing coral accents says about you!

by Sarah Anderson on Mar 22, 2019

Coral Weddings: What choosing coral accents says about you!

Coral Weddings: What Choosing Coral Accents Says About You!

Coral always has been a favorite color, moving its way in and out of the spotlight for years but never straying too far. When Pantone announced that 2019 was the year of coral, it echoed the sentiments of millions of coral fans who love the bright, fresh, warm and elegant color. This is the perfect color to adorn your walls, wardrobe and wedding with as it brings all of the good feelings to the forefront upon entering the eyesight of its many adoring fans. Did you make the decision to add coral accents to your wedding day? Here's what that says about you.

Coral Navy Wedding Socks, Couple Walking

You two put your friendship first.

Your relationship is built on a solid base of friendship. Since the beginning, the only secrets you had were the ones you told each other. You each have your own hobbies, but your favorite ones are the ones you picked up together. You have a solid “don’t watch that show without me” rule in your house for at least one bingeable series on Netflix and you also have the old standby that the two of you could watch over and over again and never get sick of. Your memories are sprinkled with laughter and smiles, the best adventures and the coziest lazy days.

Your love is warm and kind.

You know the type of couples that thrive off screaming matches and drama? That’s not you two. No, a couple who chooses a coral wedding likes a much more peaceful approach. The problems that you encounter are worked out with calm, sit down conversations and after it’s all said and done, you realize the problem was never that big anyway. You know that at the end of the day, you have each other’s back and consistently choose one another no matter what. What makes you happy is seeing your partner happy and you’re willing to do whatever they need.

You take equal responsibility and ownership.

There’s an equal division of labor in your relationship. Every task is a task that is accomplished quicker when you work together. And you don’t mind. After all, it’s more fun working side by side. You’re a rock solid, equal team. You both bring unique skills to the table and regard each other with the highest respect.

Coral Wedding- Couple walking off together

You view your life together is a beautiful adventure.

Whether it’s a wild, travel all over the world type of adventure or a quiet, fix up the yard, make friends with the neighbors and enjoy the community type of adventure, you take a playful approach to creating a little or big world for you two together. Life should be fun, and you two recognize that fully. You find enjoyment in everything and eagerly welcome the roads and opportunities that lie ahead.

Coral Wedding- Wedding party

You are secure.

You chose a coral wedding. You know you are awesome. When you go out, you look great, but it’s because you wear exactly what you want to with no regards to the opinions of outsiders. You aren’t threatened when your partner gets attention. In fact, you are so happy to see them get the attention they deserve. After all, they’re incredible. Your love has deep roots and isn’t easily swayed or shaken.

Coral wedding- wedding party

You have a strong sense of community.

Whether it’s friends or family, your life is full of them. You are a couple that knows how to connect and keeps your tribe close to your heart. It’s a seamless way of life for you to let your doors open to your people. No time in the morning is too early to stop by for a cup of coffee, no time at night is too late to stop by for tea or a glass of wine and no schedule is too busy to make time for those you love. The word “family” encompasses many more people than your relatives for you two, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

You know how to step up and change the world.

You can’t mention your love for the color coral without bringing up what is currently happening globally with the coral reefs. You already know that it is estimated that 75 percent of the remaining coral is threatened while a large portion has already died off. You explain to your friends that if this continues, ocean ecosystems could collapse, causing planet-wide devastation. You embrace a conscientious approach to educating yourself and others about our effects on the environment and trying to do better. You know how to step up, do your part, and encourage others to do theirs to help keep our coral alive.

Here are some socks with coral accents you can add to your big day!

Coral Grey Argyle Wedding Socks

Classic yet surprising, elegant yet bold. This pair adds a flair to a groomsmen outfit and a wonderful touch to your sure-to-be perfect day.

Coral Crabs Wedding Socks

We promise you'll be far from crabby in this playful pair on your big day. Suit up yourself and your groomsmen in some coral crabs for a fun element in a classy affair.

Coral Navy Mustache Wedding Socks

Incorporate coral with these coiffed 'staches on your socks. Whether you're rocking the stache, hoping to or just wanting to represent the hipster lifestyle on your wedding day, these will walk you and your guys down the aisle in style.

Coral Reef Wedding Socks

A simple pair with a striking look. Coral reef socks bring even more life into a lively day.

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